Monday, 29 November 2010

More active!

Hi guys, just here to say BE MORE ACTIVE, as we WILL be having more battles and invading soon!


You will have one week to comment on this post, if you are really active for that week and have commented you might get a promo! Those of you who aren't or don't comment might get a demotion! So make sure you comment on this post by 6th of December 2010!!!

Please comment with your cp name (name on ranks page) so we can see how many active troops we have!


Thursday, 18 November 2010

Recruiting On Chat Session

We are going to have a recruiting ON CHAT session! Basically all NMA are going to recruit on other chats! E.g. ACP etc...

Everyone meet on NMA chat and then me and olympus will tell you when to go to the other chats. When you have recruited someone tell them to go to NMA chat and then me or olympus will give the site link to them for them to join.

The 3 people that recruit the most people will get a promo!!!!!!!!

It will last for 1 hour and I will keep count on how many people each NMA troop has recruited.

The times are:

Friday 19th November (tomorrow)

6pm UK

1pm est

Please comment if you can make it so i know how many people will come!

Hope you can make it and good luck!


Sunday, 14 November 2010

PB results

We lost the pb against wwcp because NO ONE turned up! I'm not that angry as it was our first scheduled event and not everyone got the chance to look at the post! From now on though everyone part of the army MUST check the site and chat everyday! There won't be any demotions or promos, as no one turned up!

P.S. wwcp only had about 5 max turn up anyway! :)


Monday, 8 November 2010

PB with wwofcp!

Hi we have a Pb with wwofcp soon, ALL must attend (there will be demotions if you dont attend). Here are the times:

wwcp vs nma

Where: Alaska Snow forts





8pm uk

Saturday 13th November

Comment if you can make it!


Sunday, 7 November 2010

New chat!

Guys we have a new chat!

The link to the new chat is on the chat page! :D


First active count

This is the first active count, there will be promos and demotions if you comment or not! Just answer the following questions!

Cp name:

NMA rank:

Rating of 1 to 10 on how active you are:

You have until Friday 12th November to comment.

Recruiting Session!

Here are a few pics of our first recruiting session, it went well!


Saturday, 6 November 2010

New Uniform!

I have changed the head and body things on the uniform so check the page out and comment if you like it or not! :)


Monday, 1 November 2010

Hello world!

We are a new army! Me (robert1998) and olympus are main leaders! Join us! :D
