
This page is dedicated to all the people who have helped NMA along the way, but have retired for various reasons, here they are:
Ronaldy3 – He was our colonel, and also a very good friend of mine. He was always active and came to as many battles as he could with his brother Blacky (our 2ic). He will be really missed and we wish him luck with his cheats site and ACP! Thanks for the help! Retirement date: 16/01/11. See his retirement post HERE.
Bearsandcubs – He was our 2ic, He was active and came to many events. He made our banner 1 and some other things! Thanks for helping us Bears! Retirement date: 29/01/2011. See his retirement post here HERE
Max9207 – He was our major and another very good friend of mine! He was known for being one of the most active troops in NMA and came to pretty much every event! He has helped us loads and will be missed a lot! A big thankyou max! Retirement Date: 26/01/2011
Thank you so much to everyone that was on here, we are grateful for all your hard work!