
More to be added to this page!

Table Of Contents

1. Land
2. Population of servers
3. Allies and Enemies
4. Government

[1] Land:

These are the servers owned by the Non member army of club penguin, if you declare any of these servers as your own, action will be taken, but we are happy to do a land grant, please contact us first though. All of the following servers have been either invaded or given to us. If you wish to invade one of our servers we must be given notice 48hours before hand or the invasion shall not count. If you do choose to invade please leave the information on the most recent post on the site or a stickied post.



Ice box-Recruting Server****

Snowbound-Party Server**

Sled-Training ground**

Klondike (for all small/medium

Migrator (safe chat)-shared with

Mukluk-shared with Puffle Warriors*

Yeti-From CPSFT merging into us****


[2] Population Of Servers:

You will notice that each server has a number of stars next to it, this simply shows the population of that server:
  • Five Stars: Large City

  • Four Stars: City

  • Three Stars: Large Town

  • Two Stars: Small Town

  • One Star: Countryside

  • <><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><>

    [3] Allies and Enemies


    Large/Major/Medium Armies:
    Army of Clubpenguin (ACP)
    Golden Troops (GT)
    Ranger Troops (RT)
    Small armies:
    Team RedElite Penguin Raiders, Mars WarriorsPizza WarriorsCPBFFire blasters,Snow warriors,Wind Warriors, RPBF, Club Penguin Green Team, Crystal Warriors,Wizards of cp, Club Penguin Warriors



    To apply to be one of our allies answer the following questions!

    1. Army Name?

    2. Army site link?

    3. Why your army want to be one of our allies?

    Last Updated: February 20th 2011

    [4] Government:

    We are a Democratic Republic.